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Recover AOL Email via AOL Phone Number

AOL Help Number 859 13-Aug-2019

In this blog post, we are going to discuss about the process to recover permanently deleted emails from the AOL account. The deletion of the emails from the AOL account could be either a mistake or intentional move. But if the users want to Recover AOL Emails which are deleted – it probably become a brain teasing procedure for the AOL customers. It can be done either by following manual steps as shown below or simply by getting in touch with the AOL Support team at AOL Phone Number.

Recover AOL Email via AOL Phone Number


Checkout the potential steps to deleted emails from the AOL account: -

  • Retrieve Deleted AOL Emails (Within 7 Days) 

If AOL user’s deletion arises due to mistake, then this isn’t much problematic to retrieve the deleted emails within 7 days. AOL customer’s needs to pursue the steps shown below: -

Step1: Access the AOL account and then, click on the “Trash” folder icon.

Recover AOL Email via AOL Phone Number

Step2: Choose the emails that customer’s want to restore.

Recover AOL Email via AOL Phone Number

Step3: From the top of the system display, choose the ‘drop-down’ icon and click on the “Move to” icon. Finally, restore the emails as per the desired folder.

Note: At times, AOL customers forgot AOL Email Password before implementing steps to recover AOL emails. In such scenario, AOL customers need to connect with certified techies at AOL Contact Number.

  • Retrieve Old or Permanently Deleted AOL Emails

Step1: Scan the Hard Disk for Deleted AOL Emails

Step2: Search out for the permanently deleted emails

Step3: finally, recover the deleted AOL emails

If you are looking for immediate help & support to Recover AOL Email…! The best way to deal with the situation with the assistance of professional experts is making a call to the certified team of techies at AOL Phone Number. Their services are top-notch in the tech market in the field of resolving glitches & hassles related to AOL email account.


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